In Art last term we were looking at improving our drawing skills and developing as artists. We looked at the artist Max Earnst and created a picture using his style of ‘Frottage’. We went outside and created some rubbings of different textures and then used tearing to create a textured picture.
In Computing, we started thinking about networks and how the different parts of the network work together. We thought about how files move around for instance how they get from the laptop in the classroom to the photocopier. We then moved on to think about programming, we used Scratch to support our learning of this and thought carefully about how we could make our ‘Sprite’ move around the screen.
In DT, we linked our learning to our Science topic of electricity. We thought about going to a museum and how the information is displayed there. We then designed and made an electric poster which could be displayed in a museum.
In Geography, our topic was Harlow. We spent a lot of time looking at different types of maps, including google maps, to see where Harlow is in relation to other towns and cities. We had a great time trying to find where we live and thought about our route to school. We went to Harlow Town Centre for a school trip where we completed surveys about the different types of shops and people who were in town on that day.
In Science, we completed two different topics, the first was electricity and we thought about how a circuit works. The children enjoyed getting the resources out to investigate circuits and which materials conduct electricity. The second topic was Forces including magnets, we thought a lot about friction and investigated which surface has the most friction