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International Award

The International School Award (ISA) has opened a window into other cultures and has brought the world into our classrooms. We have formed partnerships with schools overseas, taught the children about other countries and helped to develop them as global citizens.

Working towards the ISA gave our pupils a greater awareness of other cultures and countries and a better understanding of their own.

Here at Holy Cross we enjoy an exciting curriculum which is enriched with global learning opportunities. We have taken part in International projects with other schools around the world such as the International Christmas tree project.  

We celebrate each and every child at our school along with their countries and cultures. Each classroom displays a map which shows the countries of each child along with details of their languages and their national flags. These show that children from around the world make our school. There is also a large map in which creates conversation between children, they are so proud to show others where their country is – as well as demonstrating their first language!

Our main hall displays the many different countries of our pupils with large flags hanging from our ceiling. Our school really comes alive each year when we celebrate our International Week.

The children have experienced African Drummers to Bollywood Dancing along with Morris Men to Cultural Story Telling.

Each class chooses a country to learn about and they immerse themselves into that country's culture, cooking, style and history of their chosen nation.  We also change our school menu to reflect the countries that we are visiting.

The children ‘travel around the world’ visiting each class and experiencing activities from other countries. 

The grand finale really finishes our week off in style. Our school hosts live music and food from around the world – all supplied by our amazing parents. This really brings our community together for a giant international food tasting experience!!

Holy Cross CatholicPrimary Academy

Tracyes Road, Harlow,

Essex, CM18 6JJ

01279 424452