About Us
We welcome children, their parents and carers into a friendly, happy and hardworking environment where respect for others, positive attitudes towards work and behaviour are encouraged and nurtured.
Governors, staff and parents at the school are committed to providing a stimulating, caring and safe environment which encourage our children to become confident and independent within a supportive learning environment and to respond positively to challenge.
We encourage children to have the confidence to explore and experiment as they work to develop their talents and achieve their full potential through a well-balanced, yet creative curriculum tailored to the needs of every child. To this end we have worked hard to develop opportunities for our children to experience learning through first hand experience as well as using teaching strategies which encourage questioning, curiosity and a sense of empathy.
This website will give you a flavour of our aims, the activities that the children are involved in, the achievements that we strive for and gain and the wealth of memorable experiences that the children encounter.
I hope you enjoy the website and if you'd like to visit us, please contact the school office.