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  1. Anti-Bullying Strategy
  2. ASD Policy 2022-2024
  3. Assessment Policy July 2022
  4. Collective Worship Policy
  5. Charging Policy
  6. Child Protection Policy HCCPA# September 2023-2024
  7. Concerns and Complaints Information Leaflet 2024
  8. Complaints-policy-based-on-dfe-guidance-June 2024
  9. Data Protection Policy (GDPR) - 2024
  10. Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Policy
  11. Early Years Foundation Policy
  12. Educational-Visits-Policy-2023
  13. Equality Policy
  14. E-Safety Policy
  15. EYFS Internet Acceptable Use Practices
  16. Exclusion-Policy 22-24.docx
  17. Feedback & Marking Policy January 2023
  18. Harmful Sexual Behaviour-Child on Child Abuse Policy 2022
  19. Holy Cross Accessibility Plan
  20. Holy Cross Intimate Care Policy
  21. Homework Policy September 2022
  22. Inclusion Policy
  23. Inclusion Policy July 2022 review Jul 2024
  24. Intimate Care Policy Jan 22 review Jan 24
  25. Key Stage 1 Internet Acceptable Use Practices
  26. Key Stage 2 Internet Acceptable Use Practices
  27. Parent Code of Conduct 2023 HCPA
  28. Phonics Policy Jan 2023
  29. Positive Handling Policy
  30. Positive-Relationships-and-Behaviour-Policy September 2023 2
  31. Prayer and Liturgy Policy 2023
  32. PSHE Policy June 2021
  33. RE Policy
  34. SEN Policy 22 Review SEP 2024
  35. SEN Policy brief for parents July 22 review Sept24
  36. HC SEN Information report July 2023 review 2024
  37. Teaching & Learning Policy September 2023
  38. Unreasonable Complaints Policy - Jan 2020
  39. Whistleblowing Policy
  40. RSHE Policy
  41. Academy - Charging, Refunds and Remissions Nov 2023 (1)
  42. Holy Cross Pay Policy - November 2023 (Sept 2023)
  43. Medical conditions policy UPDATED March 2024 review March 2025
  44. Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy October 2023
  45. Capability Policy & Procedure
  46. Transport of Pupils Policy
  47. First Aid Policy March 2024 review March 26 (2)

Holy Cross CatholicPrimary Academy

Tracyes Road, Harlow,

Essex, CM18 6JJ

01279 424452