Lent 2025
Please join us as we make our journey through Lent. Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday (4th March 2025) when all members of our Holy Cross Family will go to Mass and receive ashes. The ashes represent the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and the temptations that Jesus faced when he was alone in the dessert.
Lent is a time for prayer, for fasting and for giving to others. Each child will make a Lenten Promise which we will write on a footprint. These footprints will represent the path that we are on as we journey through Lent to become closer to God. We think of Lent as a time for Growth to be more like Jesus as we follow in his footsteps.
We listen to the message from Pope Francis as he guides us on our journey through lent:
Lent is a time of conversion and freedom. In his message for Lent 2024, Pope Francis invites the faithful to “pause” for prayer and to assist our brothers and sisters in need, in order to change our own lives and the lives of our communities.
He added that the Lenten journey involves a struggle. It is a time for action, the Pope said, but also a time “to pause” – to pause in prayer and to pause “in the presence of a wounded brother or sister.”
“Love of God and love of neighbour are one love,” Pope Francis continued, explaining that “the contemplative dimension” of Lent can help us “release new energies,” to be “more sensitive to one another: in the place of threats and enemies, we discover companions and fellow travelers.
Families can find resources on the CAFOD website to support with Lenten Prayer and Worship at home: